There are a lot of 5 letter word in English that start with "B". Wordle uses only the most common ones. Here is the complete list.
cabal, cabby, cabin, cable, cacao, cache, cacti, caddy, cadet, cagey, cairn, camel, cameo, canal, candy, canny, canoe, canon, caper, caput, carat, cargo, carol, carry, carve, caste, catch, cater, catty, caulk, cause, cavil, cease, cedar, cello, chafe, chaff, chain, chair, chalk, champ, chant, chaos, chard, charm, chart, chase, chasm, cheap, cheat, check, cheek, cheer, chess, chest, chick, chide, chief, child, chili, chill, chime, china, chirp, chock, choir, choke, chord, chore, chose, chuck, chump, chunk, churn, chute, cider, cigar, cinch, circa, civic, civil, clack, claim, clamp, clang, clank, clash, clasp, class, clean, clear, cleat, cleft, clerk, click, cliff, climb, cling, clink, cloak, clock, clone, close, cloth, cloud, clout, clove, clown, cluck, clued, clump, clung, coach, coast, cobra, cocoa, colon, color, comet, comfy, comic, comma, conch, condo, conic, copse, coral, corer, corny, couch, cough, could, count, coupe, court, coven, cover, covet, covey, cower, coyly, crack, craft, cramp, crane, crank, crash, crass, crate, crave, crawl, craze, crazy, creak, cream, credo, creed, creek, creep, creme, crepe, crept, cress, crest, crick, cried, crier, crime, crimp, crisp, croak, crock, crone, crony, crook, cross, croup, crowd, crown, crude, cruel, crumb, crump, crush, crust, crypt, cubic, cumin, curio, curly, curry, curse, curve, curvy, cutie, cyber, cycle, cynic
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